Lodging at Shepherd's Spring
Shepherd's Spring 24 hotel-style rooms for a total of 48 guests (double occupancy). Attached private bathroom, desk, futon, and either two twin sized beds or one full sized bed.
When selecting lodging here, please check first to see if it is available, we expect it to sell out quickly.
Rates for one person in a double occupancy room are $275 and includes all 6 meals. Please request desired roommate to help us house you correctly! We want everyone to be happy. In order to build our community, we want almost everyone in a shared room!
A few single rooms may be available at $395 and includes all 6 meals.
Bunk Space in a heated/AC cabin (sleeps up to 12) $175 and includes all 6 meals See Photos at bottom of page
Camping: $150 (includes all meals), or $25/night (no meals)
Off Campus Rates: Students staying off campus can buy meals and pay a per-diem for day use of the facility of $15/day or $30/wknd (all 3 days).
Breakfast: $12 Lunch: $16 Dinner: $18 See a sample menu here
All 6 meals plus per/diem is $120
We suggest the lunch + dinner package if you are staying off-site for $90. There is a coffee shop on-site, for those needing just a cup of coffee. If neither of these packages work for you, go a la carte.
Additional lodging is available here:
AirBnB: Has several places in Sharpsburg including 3 which are quite close!
For those on a tight budget, Upper Potomac usually has a few housing scholarships, staying in homes of friends of the festival. Scholarships are given in exchange for providing a few hours of work during the weekend in set up and clean up. Contact the festival office for details.

When we have a "Weekend Tune" it's fun to make a video to share on the web. Fiddler's learned Bob McQuillen's Doozers Waltz to celebrate his 100th birthday.

This class is in the Loft Room

New! Winterized (and air-conditioned cabins. Bunk space plus meals available. With or without linens (extra cost).

When we have a "Weekend Tune" it's fun to make a video to share on the web. Fiddler's learned Bob McQuillen's Doozers Waltz to celebrate his 100th birthday.